
What am I looking at here?

This is a recruitment site for a group Halloween costume based on the Institute of Planar Research and Exploration and its seven members from the comedy Dungeons & Dragons podcast The Adventure Zone's "Balance" campaign storyline, of course.

What is The Adventure Zone?

It's a podcast. A good podcast. With brothers and a dad. And dice.

There are two complete, years-long stories already in the books. This group costume is from the end of the first one, but you should start at the beginning!

Check out The Adventure Zone


Who's in the IPRE costume group?

M*Modal folks dedicated to dressing up in bright red uniforms this Halloween:

  • Jennifer Lines
  • Joel McCarthy
  • Stephanie Zaharko
  • Anastasia Tircuit
  • Kevin Kibler
  • Eric Owens
  • Derek Atkinson
Who made this?

You can blame Derek Atkinson.


Why make a website for a group costume?


Seriously why?

W H Y ? !

I wanted to. I love to build things—especially for Halloween, and extra especially when they involve a few of my favorite things.