We want you for the

Institute of Planar
Research and Exploration

Launching in

Join our team!

The Institute of Planar Research and Exploration is seeking recruits to join our mission, departing Halloween 2019.

If you want to…

  • see space and wonders unimaginable
  • serve your planet on the frontier of planar science
  • ride on a state of the art ship called The Starblaster*
  • wear a spiffy, bright red uniform

…then we have a place for you!

Apply now

If “Starblaster” is a deal breaker for you, I’m open to changing it. I kind of got roped into it and, honestly, could use the votes against it.
- Captain Davenport

Updates from the crew

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Welcome to the IPRE updates board! We're the crew of The Starblaster, and we're here to make our planet proud!

Super excited to see what the universe has in store!

^ ^ ^ N E R D A L E R T ^ ^ ^


Lup, Taako, please keep these posts professional. The world is watching us!

i like piña coladas and keeping my computer unlocked. come with me and escape to the planes or whatever.
b o r i n g

Taako, I know that was you and it isn't funny. How do I delete posts?

Barry, do you know how to delete posts?


davenport its in the top right when you log in and also i wanted to let you know that theres a clog in the second floor bathroom and IT WASNT ME THIS TIME and maintenance isnt responding

MERLE! THESE POSTS ARE PUBLIC! For the love of Marthammor Duin, DELETE THAT if you know how and DM me next time!


Can we leave already?

🧀 + 🌒 = 😋

Seriously, though, we're doing lots of great research here and I would be remiss if I didn't share it. Here it is, the product of my long days of work and the first of many research reports: IPRE Research Report #1 – Taako